When you are using a lightweight and portable refrigerator, you should look for ways in which you can make the most of the battery. This is more so if you plan to take the mini fridge on your outdoor activities. So, how can you reduce the energy consumption of your 12 volt refrigerator? Today, we are going to discuss some crucial ways in which you can achieve the desired results.
- Cool the items before leaving the home:
Avoid putting room-temperature items on the fridge before stepping out. When you do so, the fridge will work harder to cool down the items. It is best to run the fridge at 240V and cool it down at home before you step out. However, if you cannot do this, then store the room-temperature items. But wherever possible, you should pre-chill the food and cold drinks.
- Open the lid slowly:
Instead of opening the fridge door with all your might, you should open it slowly. When you open the lid fast, a lot of cold air gushes out, and a lot of warm air gushes in. When you close the fridge, the appliance will use more power to cool down the hot air inside the fridge. But when you open the lid only 10 cm and then open it normally, you can control the amount of cool air rushing out and hot air rushing in.
- Keep the fridge full:
A full refrigerator works more efficiently than an empty one. If there are fewer food items and drinks in the fridge, you should keep bottles of water. Once they cool down, you will save a lot of energy. A cold water bottle, when opened, doesn’t change the temperature quickly. It is best to store food and drinks in the fridge that are already cold. When you keep warm drinks in the fridge, it ends up using more power to cool them down.
Another great way to reduce energy consumption is to keep freezer bricks in the refrigerator. You should switch on the fridge a few days before the trip to freeze the items properly. When you store freezer bricks inside the appliance, it helps to cool down the food items faster. If you have sufficient space in the fridge, then keep a few freezer bricks in along with the food items.
- Keep your fridge as cool as possible:
When you are camping or on a road trip, you should keep the fridge in a corner under the shade. Don’t leave it lying in the Sun. When you do so, the outside of the fridge tends to warm up faster, and the appliance will end up fighting high ambient temperatures. You should always keep it in the shade to make the most of the appliance.
- Proper airflow is crucial:
The compressor is bound to produce heat as a byproduct of keeping the fridge interior cool. It is crucial that there is enough space for this hot air to circulate and escape from the fridge. If the appliance is kept in a corner where there is no proper ventilation or the space available is limited, the airflow will be affected. As a result, your appliance will end up consuming more energy.
Final words:
There are numerous ways to help the fridge perform better. We have discussed some of them. Other ways include closing the fridge lid properly so that the cold air does not escape, reducing the number of times you open or close the fridge, and checking the wiring of the appliance to ensure that it is fine. At the same time, you need to use a high-quality small fridge. Don’t compromise on the quality. Check out https://www.astroai.com/ to explore the latest collections of mini-fridges.